[ANNOUNCE] Apache Hadoop 3.1.1 release
Wangda Tan
7 years ago
It gives me great pleasure to announce that the Apache Hadoop community has
voted to release Apache Hadoop 3.1.1.

Hadoop 3.1.1 is the first stable maintenance release for the year 2018 in
the Hadoop-3.1 line and brings a number of enhancements.


3.1.1 is the first stable release of 3.1 line which is production-ready.

The Hadoop community fixed 435 JIRAs [1] in total as part of the 3.1.1
release. Of these fixes:


60 in Hadoop Common

139 in HDFS

223 in YARN

13 in MapReduce


Apache Hadoop 3.1.1 contains a number of significant features and
enhancements. A few of them are noted below.


ENTRY_POINT support for Docker containers.

Restart policy support for YARN native services.

Capacity Scheduler: Intra-queue preemption for fairness ordering policy.

Stabilization works for schedulers, YARN service, docker support, etc.

Please see the Hadoop 3.1.1 CHANGES
for the detailed list of issues resolved. The release news is posted on the
Apache Hadoop website too, you can go to the downloads section.


Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the release, and everyone in the
Apache Hadoop community! The release is a result of direct and indirect
efforts from many contributors, listed below are the those who contributed
directly by submitting patches and reporting issues.

Abhishek Modi, Ajay Kumar, Akhil PB, Akira Ajisaka, Allen Wittenauer,
Anbang Hu, Andrew Wang, Arpit Agarwal, Atul Sikaria, BELUGA BEHR, Bharat
Viswanadham, Bibin A Chundatt, Billie Rinaldi, Bilwa S T, Botong Huang,
Brahma Reddy Battula, Brook Zhou, CR Hota, Chandni Singh, Chao Sun, Charan
Hebri, Chen Liang, Chetna Chaudhari, Chun Chen, Daniel Templeton, Davide
Vergari, Dennis Huo, Dibyendu Karmakar, Ekanth Sethuramalingam, Eric
Badger, Eric Yang, Erik Krogen, Esfandiar Manii, Ewan Higgs, Gabor Bota,
Gang Li, Gang Xie, Genmao Yu, Gergely Novák, Gergo Repas, Giovanni Matteo
Fumarola, Gour Saha, Greg Senia, Haibo Yan, Hanisha Koneru, Hsin-Liang
Huang, Hu Ziqian, Istvan Fajth, Jack Bearden, Jason Lowe, Jeff Zhang, Jian
He, Jianchao Jia, Jiandan Yang , Jim Brennan, Jinglun, John Zhuge, Joseph
Fourny, K G Bakthavachalam, Karthik Palanisamy, Kihwal Lee, Kitti Nanasi,
Konstantin Shvachko, Lei (Eddy) Xu, LiXin Ge, Lokesh Jain, Lukas Majercak,
Miklos Szegedi, Mukul Kumar Singh, Namit Maheshwari, Nanda kumar, Nilotpal
Nandi, Pavel Avgustinov, Prabhu Joseph, Prasanth Jayachandran, Robert
Kanter, Rohith Sharma K S, Rushabh S Shah, Sailesh Patel, Sammi Chen, Sean
Mackrory, Sergey Shelukhin, Shane Kumpf, Shashikant Banerjee, Siyao Meng,
Sreenath Somarajapuram, Steve Loughran, Suma Shivaprasad, Sumana Sathish,
Sunil Govindan, Surendra Singh Lilhore, Szilard Nemeth, Takanobu Asanuma,
Tao Jie, Tao Yang, Ted Yu, Thomas Graves, Thomas Marquardt, Todd Lipcon,
Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli, Wangda Tan, Wei Yan, Wei-Chiu Chuang, Weiwei Yang,
Wilfred Spiegelenburg, Xiao Chen, Xiao Liang, Xintong Song, Xuan Gong, Yang
Wang, Yesha Vora, Yiqun Lin, Yiran Wu, Yongjun Zhang, Yuanbo Liu, Zian
Chen, Zoltan Haindrich, Zsolt Venczel, Zuoming Zhang, fang zhenyi, john
lilley, jwhitter, kyungwan nam, liaoyuxiangqin, liuhongtong, lujie, skrho,
yanghuafeng, yimeng, Íñigo Goiri.

Wangda Tan

[1] JIRA query: project in (YARN, HADOOP, MAPREDUCE, HDFS) AND resolution =
Fixed AND fixVersion = 3.1.1 ORDER BY key ASC, updated ASC, created DESC,
priority DESC
